The Topline: The MassINC Polling Group Year in Review

Watching opinion shift over weeks, months, or years warms our hearts like chestnuts roasting on an open fire. As the year comes to a close, it's only right that we take a look back at our own trends - the polls, stories, and data points that shaped our year. 

Here at the MassINC Polling Group, we elevate the public's voice through research, bringing it to conversations about the future of policy, politics, and business. The public's voice is not always convenient. It's not always tidy. But democracy functions better when leaders know what their constituents think. 

We've collected many of our public releases below for your perusal. Thank you for supporting our work in 2019, and we look forward to bringing you many more trends from Massachusetts and beyond in 2020. 

Happy Holidays,

The MassINC Polling Group



The Horse Race Highlights (a selection)


Episode 113: Deval In Good Time


Episode 112: Foresight is 2020