WBUR Poll: Support For Boston Olympics Dwindles

From WBUR:

Opposition to hosting the 2024 Summer Olympics here in Boston is intensifying, with more Boston area residents now against the Olympic bid than for it, according to a new WBUR poll (topline, crosstabs).

The poll shows 44 percent of Boston area residents support the Olympic bid, while 46 percent do not. Opposition has grown by 13 points in the month since our last poll. In the city of Boston alone, opposition has grown by 15 points.

That’s a big swing, and it coincides with the collapse of the region’s transit system, says MassINC pollster Steve Koczela, who conducted the survey for WBUR.

“It has to do with voters now having a new appreciation of how bad the MBTA actually is and seeing the impacts of the storm and thinking there are other priorities in which money would be better spent,” Koczela said.

The poll also found more voters object to the use of public funds to build Olympic venues than they did a month ago. This may be linked to the T's recent troubles, as voters feel the need for public investment for other priorities.

But the T could also help the Olympic cause, if bidding for the games were seen as a way to improve the aging transit system. Thirty-five percent in Boston (40 percent within 128) say using public funds to improve the T to would make them more likely to support the games. But even more said it would make no difference to their support or opposition.


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