Launching Today: Poll Vault and the WBUR Tracking Poll

We're proud to announce Poll Vault, WBUR's new data-enhanced coverage of the 2014 elections. This new blog will be home to the new WBUR Tracking Poll, which we will be conducting weekly between now and the November general election. Poll Vault will also feature original content from us, CommonWealth Magazine and State House News Service. It will also host all of our WBUR's campaign coverage. We've got a great lineup of stories for launch day:

  • WBUR Poll: Coakley Holds Leads Over Democratic Foes, Baker: Our first tracking poll finds Coakley with a 24-point lead over Steve Grossman and a 9-point margin over Republican Charlie Baker in a hypothetical general election matchup. (Click through for toplines and crosstabs, at bottom.)
  • Welcome To Poll Vault: More on what we're doing, with whom, and how. Poll Vault is dedicated to tracing the data trail behind the campaign trail.
  • Massachusetts Is Rolling In PollingWhen it comes to both the quantity and quality of political polling, Massachusetts has every right to be proud, especially compared to most other states.
  • A Tale Of Two Primaries In MassachusettsMPG's Steve Koczela and CommonWealth's Paul McMorrow examine the two very different pools of voters that will decide the Republican and Democratic primaries next week.

You'll also find WBUR's series of interviews and profiles with each of the Republican and Democratic candidates for governor.

If you like Massachusetts politics and polling, bookmark Poll Vault for the election season. We'll be updating the tracking poll weekly and posting new reporting and analysis in between.






WBUR and The MassINC Polling Group Renew Partnership for 2015


WBUR Poll: Uptick in casino support after decision to place question on ballot