Grossman, Coakley with fundraising edge in early March

Though we will have a full roundup at the end of this month, here is what the gubernatorial candidates reported for March 1-15. Evan Falchuk's $50,000 deposit to his own campaign put him in the lead in terms of total receipts. Democrats Steve Grossman ($54,761) and Martha Coakley ($52,242) led in contributions for the first half of March. On the Republican side, Charlie Baker has been filing monthly reports and thus is not represented in the March data at this point. Scott Fisher pulled $306 in contributions, and added $2,000 of his own money.


Democrat Donald Berwick and Juliette Kayyem continued to pull over half of their itemized donations from out of state. Berwick is outpacing Kayyem in March in terms of both local and out of state totals, but trails Grossman and Coakley in overall receipts. Kayyem put $200,000 in her own account on March 17th, which will show up in our month-end roundup.



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