MAGov '14 fundraising update: February

Note that all figures are based on the date of the contribution itself, as shown in the OCPF raw data. At the time of writing this blog, Scott Lively had not submitted a fundraising report for February.

Baker, Coakley lead February fundraising. For the third straight month, Republican Charlie and Democrat Martha Coakley led all candidates in total fundraising in February. Baker and Coakley also led in terms of funds raised from Massachusetts donors, with Democrat Steve Grossman coming in third.

Feb totals

Grossman, Kayyem drop in February, Berwick pulls national funding. Looking at the other Democrats, both Steve Grossman and Juliette Kayyem collected less than half of their January hauls in February, while Don Berwick maintained his pace. As the Berwick campaign hastened to point out, his February fundraising total was second only to the Coakley's among the Democratic candidates. Berwick pulled in $116,670 overall, relying on donations from outside of Massachusetts for 64 percent of the total haul. Both he and Juliette Kayyem have collected considerable donations from national donors throughout the campaign. Well behind the pack, Joe Avellone had the lowest total receipts of any candidate (self-funding included).

McCormick, Falchuk continue self-funding. Independent Jeff McCormick continued to self-fund in February, dropping $140,000 more into his campaign. Including self-funding, his campaign ranks third for the month. But excluding self-funding, Team McCormick pulled in just over $20,000, well off the pace of the major parties' leading candidates. United Independent Party candidate Evan Falchuk added $50,000 to his own coffers, on top of $9,165 in donations from others. In total, Falchuck has now deposited $545,000 into his own account since he started running, compared to McCormick's $375,000.

So where does that leave us? Despite only starting in August, Charlie Baker has raised $1.4 million, leading the pack in total receipts in 2013 and 2014. Despite falling off slightly in Februrary, Grossman remains near the, with Coakley now surging into third.


It's worth noting that these totals do not represent cash on hand, merely total receipts in the time period. In terms of cash on hand, Grossman is far out in front, sitting on over $1 million, compared to $500-600,000 for Baker and Coakley, and about $150,000 for Berwick.


Mapping MAGov contributions


Game over?