Job Announcement - Research Associate

After a successful 2012 election cycle and a series of high profile policy projects, The MassINC Polling Group has an immediate need for a Research Associate to meet  the needs of our growing client base. The Research Associate will work under senior staff members on all phases of polling and survey research. The successful candidate will have a strong interest in politics and policy and be familiar with moderately advanced statistical concepts. Strong analytical and writing skills are required. Day to day tasks will include data processing using SPSS and Excel, report writing, and administrative tasks, as assigned. The candidate must be able to digest and summarize complex datasets in narrative style for a variety of written products. This may include blog posts, briefings, press releases, memoranda, full length reports, or other products. While knowledge of polling concepts is preferred, we are open to training the right candidate who brings a strong combination of other qualifications. See full position description for how to apply.


Party ID is not party registration


MPG Polling Briefs: Dem optimism lifts consumer confidence, residents say Mass headed in right direction, Romney sees highest unfavorables yet