Bay State Residents Pessimistic about Next Generation’s Prospects

Below is an excerpt from today's polling report "Bay State Residents Pessimistic about Next Generation’s Prospects." (View Full Report) Few believe the next generation will be better off financially than their parents

If a key component of the American Dream is the belief that the next generation will be better off than we are, that Dream is slipping away for many Massachusetts residents, according to a new MassINC Polling Group statewide telephone poll. Just 20 percent of Massachusetts residents believe the next generation will be better off financially, while 46 percent say they will be worse off and 31 percent say about the same. This doubt is a product of a host of economic anxieties, both about the state economy as well as family finances. Six in ten (61%) residents rate the Massachusetts economy as somewhat or very bad and less than half (41%) see any improvement coming in the next year.  On a personal level, one in three respondents rate their own family finances as somewhat or very bad.  (View Full Report)

Also in this report (View Full Report) - Economic anxieties play starring role in gubernatorial election - Senator Scott Brown seen favorably, especially by economic doubters

These results are based on a MassINC Polling Group statewide poll of 400 Massachusetts residents, conducted September 22-25, 2010.  Methodological details can be found in the attached report.


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